Triumph Thunderbird 1600


SOLD | £6,495

  • Triumph Thunderbird 1600

    Blue with black castings

    Mileage 20,007

    First registered in 2010

    Great service history

  • 1.6L Triumph straight twin cylinder engine

    85 bhp twin spark

    6 speed gearbox

    Belt drive

    ABS Brakes

    Twin front disc brakes

    Four pot front calipers

    22 ltr fuel tank

    Triumph short clear screen

    Triumph Sissy bar

    Rear seat

    Engine guard crash bars

  • Sevens & Classics Warranty

    Fresh service

    12 months MOT

    Full tank of fuel

    Full valet

Triumphs’ Thunderbird was bravely aimed at taking on Harley in the US, but in terms of spec, quality, performance, price and looks was the best-equipped rival ever to do just that. It performs well, handles better, is beautifully built and has all the cruiser goodies you could wish for. Voted “Best Cruiser” in the States in 2009 and 2010, this Thunderbird has had a cosetted life, is in beautiful condition and ready to ride.